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Edmonton Oilers Fan Flashes Crowd Breaks Silence

Edmonton Oilers Fan Flashes Crowd, Breaks Silence

Viral Moment Captures Stanley Cup Celebrations

Infamous Flasher Speaks Out

On June 22, 2024, an Edmonton Oilers fan made headlines after flashing the crowd during the team's Stanley Cup celebration. The moment was captured on video and quickly went viral on social media.

The fan, who has not been identified, has since broken her silence and released a statement through her lawyer. In the statement, she apologized for her actions and said she was "caught up in the moment."

"I am truly sorry for my actions," the fan said. "I was caught up in the excitement of the moment and I made a mistake. I understand that my actions were inappropriate and I take full responsibility for them."

The fan's actions have been met with mixed reactions. Some people have criticized her for her behavior, while others have come to her defense.

The Edmonton Oilers organization has not commented on the incident.
