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Commemorating The End Of Slavery In The United States

President Biden Signs Juneteenth Bill, Establishing New Federal Holiday

Commemorating the End of Slavery in the United States

Juneteenth, the oldest African American holiday, is now a federal holiday

WASHINGTON, June 17, 2021 - President Joe Biden is expected to sign a bill into law today that will establish Juneteenth as a federal holiday commemorating the end of slavery in the United States.

Juneteenth marks the day, June 19, 1865, when the last African American slaves in Texas were finally freed, more than two years after the Emancipation Proclamation was issued.

"Juneteenth is a day of profound weight and profound power," Biden said in a statement. "It is a day when we remember the horrors of slavery and the systemic racism that has plagued our nation for far too long. It is also a day when we recommit ourselves to the work of equity and justice."

The legislation, which passed the Senate unanimously and the House with a vote of 415-14, makes Juneteenth the 12th federal holiday.

By making Juneteenth a federal holiday, "all Americans can feel the power of this day and learn from its lessons to ensure we never go back to the days of slavery and racial terror," Biden said.
